
Lunch Box Talk @ CDH(AW): TLD



Im Rahmen der Lunch Box Talks @ CDHAW wird TLD am Montag, 26. September 2016, von Herrn Dr.-Ing. Thomas Dorn, CEO Asia, vorgestellt. TLD ist eine führende Industriegruppe, die sich seit 60 Jahren ausschließlich der Konstruktion, der Fertigung, und dem globalem Vertrieb und dem After-Sales-Support von Flughafen Vorfeldmaschinen widmet. Bereits in den letzten Jahren konnten CDHAW-Studierende bei TLD in Shanghai oder Wuxi Praktika absolvieren und praxisnahe Bachelorarbeiten schreiben.



Referent:Dr.-Ing.Thomas Dorn, CEO Asia

Datum: Montag, 26. September 2016

Uhrzeit:12.30 - 13.15 Uhr

Venue:Tongji-Universität, Jiading-Campus, Jishi-Gebäude, Raum 351 (GEÄNDERT!)


Kontakt @ CDHAW:Sabine Porsche, Vizedirektorin, porsche [at]


Internships at TLD – a proven concept

For 6 years, TLD – an international group manufacturing Ground Support Equipment for Airports and Aircraft Services – has employed students to undertake Value Stream Mapping projects throughout its Chinese production site. Following the assembly process and stopping every action with timers, all shortcomings have been made visible. Process waste, moving waste and quality waste has become transparent and was eliminated in a second step.

With the support of students following the CDHAW program we have been able to more than double our output by eliminating waste during production. The lean production effort and experience is not only a valuable input for the students practical experience, it is as well a vital part of improving competitiveness in the Asian context.


Dr.-Ing. Thomas Dorn, CEO Asia

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