
Easter and Flower Fairy Festival are on the same day

03. April 2018 18:00 - 20:00

Ort:   Tongji-Uni, Siping-Campus, Chinesisch-Deutsches Haus

Veranstalter:Studenteninitiative der CDH - CDF, Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschule (CDH)


Does it remind you that the Easter Festival is coming when seeing the Easter eggs and rabbits?
Enjoying cherry blossoms with your chocolate, do you find that the Flower Fairy Festival is around the corner?

The two festivals are coming to the same day!
Excited, come here with CDF to enjoy the surprise!



What is the origin of Easter? What is the cultural background?
And why do we need Easter eggs and rabbits on the festival?
Come to enjoy the festival with CDF, learn more about culture, make Easter eggs by ourselves, and get the chocolate and plush rabbits!

Flower blooming, spring is coming. What do you know about flowers? Whether it can attract your attention that make a paper flower by yourself? Do you want to enjoy the poem as ancient Chinese people do?
Together with beauty in Han Chinese Clothing, make a paper flower, join a poem party, know more about Chinese culture, get a special day!


When Chinese culture meets to western culture;
when Easter and Flower Fairy Festival are on the same day;
when both DIY and birthday party are provided;
why don't you come and join us?
At 6 pm on April 3rd,
celebrate both Easter and Flower Fairy Festival together with CDF!



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